






聯系地址:中國(山東)自由貿易試驗區濟南片區孫村街道經十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區聯東U谷科創中心5號樓 101



  The process of biogas power generation engineering is a complex but orderly process, mainly including the collection of raw materials, pretreatment, anaerobic digestion, biogas purification, biogas power generation, and subsequent processing steps. The following is a detailed analysis of the process of biogas power generation project:


  1、 Raw material collection


  Biogas power generation requires sufficient and stable raw material supply, which is the foundation of anaerobic digestion process. The raw materials usually come from animal manure, agricultural waste, urban organic waste, etc. In order to facilitate nearby biogas fermentation treatment, the collection methods and centralized locations of raw materials should be reasonably arranged according to local conditions when designing breeding farms or factories.


  2、 Raw material pretreatment


  Raw materials often contain various impurities, and the main purpose of pretreatment is to reduce the suspended solids content in the raw materials, facilitate pump transportation, and prevent malfunctions during the fermentation process. In addition, pre-treatment can also be carried out to raise or lower the temperature of the raw materials before entering the digestive system as needed. The preprocessing steps usually include crushing, mixing, adjusting moisture and pH values, etc.


  3、 Anaerobic digestion


  Anaerobic digestion is a core step in biogas power generation projects, involving a series of biochemical processes that convert organic matter into biogas through the action of microorganisms. This process is usually divided into three stages: hydrolysis stage, acidification stage, and methanation stage. Ultimately, organic matter is converted into biogas (mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide) and biogas residue.


  4、 Biogas purification


  The biogas produced from anaerobic digesters contains certain impurities such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), moisture, dust, etc., which can cause damage to biogas generators. Therefore, biogas needs to undergo purification treatment, including desulfurization, dehydration, and impurity removal steps, to obtain pure biogas for power generation.


  5、 Biogas power generation


  The purified biogas is sent to the biogas generator set for power generation. Biogas burns in the generator set, producing high-temperature and high-pressure steam, which drives the turbine to rotate and then drives the generator to generate electricity. The generated electricity can be transmitted to the user end through the power grid for their use.


  6、 Subsequent processing


  The sludge and slurry produced after biogas power generation are also valuable resources. Biogas residue can be used as organic fertilizer or soil amendment, while biogas slurry can be directly applied as liquid organic fertilizer to farmland or discharged after further treatment to meet standards.


  In summary, the process of biogas power generation project is a complete system from raw material collection to subsequent processing. Through this process, organic waste can be converted into renewable energy - biogas, and the recycling of resources and sustainable development of the environment can be achieved.

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